Thursday, November 9, 2017

Tips To Be Proactive When Promoting Your Brand Online

Tips To Be Proactive When Promoting Your Brand Online 

As a business owner, your online reputation matters. A recent BIA/Kelsey Consumer Tracking study revealed that 97% of all consumers use digital media to make informed purchasing decisions when shopping locally. Despite compelling statistics like this, many entrepreneurs still fail to give their online reputation the attention it deserves until something really negative befalls their online brand. Oftentimes, it’s simply because they assume their brand only needs reputation “management” if and when there’s a crisis to mitigate. This is simply not case. Don’t only take a reactive approach to your online image to circumvent pending catastrophe and repair how people perceive your brand. Instead, implement a proactive reputation marketing strategy to consistently build, boost, and protect your digital identity.

#reputationmanagement #reputationrepair #repairbadreputation #reputation